door marcrodan | dec 10, 2018
WORK & MINDSET Are you a dinosaur in disguise? Marc Rodan, Chief Ninja 10 December 2018 “The world is developing faster than ever”, “be Agile”, “respond to change”… Chances are you’ve heard things like this plenty of times already. Heck, you may even be tired of...
door Lieke Weterings | dec 7, 2018
WORK & MINDSET How to end the war for talent? Lieke Weterings, Ninja Expert 7 December 2018 There is a widespread belief that a war for talent is going on. Companies want to have the best employees on their team and they are willing to fight for them. That’s...
door marcrodan | dec 4, 2018
LEADERSHIP Free ebook: Lead like a Ninja Marc Rodan, Chief Ninja 3 December 2018 It’s one thing to lead a team or company, but it’s another to do so in rapidly-changing environments. To survive and thrive in today’s world, we need a different kind of...
door Niels den Daas | nov 25, 2018
LEADERSHIP My 21 best books that every leader must read Niels den Daas, Chief Ninja 25 November 2018 “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” Personally, I hold this quote...